Bonus | Best Books of 2022


This one is just for fun! Dana and her friend Kara talk about their best books of 2022, least favorite books of the year, biggest surprises and disappointments, and their top book recommendations for anyone looking to get into (or more into) reading this year! DISCLAIMER: just because we didn’t like a book doesn’t mean it’s awful or that you won’t like it. This is just a fun episode to break up some of the more intense stuff we’ve been talking about lately.

So tell us – what were your best books of 2022? Biggest surprises or disappointments? If you guys like this episode we’d be happy to do another one, maybe halfway through the year.

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– follow the show @wholeheartedeatingpod
– Dana on Instagram – @danamonsees_cns &  on TikTok – @danamonsees
– Cristina on Instagram – @cristinahoytnutrition

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